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Projecttitel: TTSH rev3 buidling guide


Startdate: 21.Dec.2016

Duedate: 31.Dec.2016


last update:   Mouser BOM updated (bypass vco capacitors, VCF4072 capacitors.)Excel list updated with switches. known Issues - clock/s/h resistor

titleVersion History: Click here to expand...

update 12.Jan.2017 Mouser Link updated

update 13.Jan. 2017  Major bug found

update 15.Jan. 2017 Excel list Slider quantity corrected

update 16.Jan. 2017 Major bug update for jacks in total 3 jacks.

update 18.Jan.2017 BOM excel list - added a "approved row", website improvements

update 26.Jan. 2017 multiturn trimmer for v/oct improvement (optional), Noise transistor bug/improvement added from rev.1/2 guide,

update early february Mouser BOM updated (bypass vco capacitors, VCF4072 capacitors.)Excel list updated with switches.

Manufacture link:


titleKnown Issues Click here to expand...
  1. Major Bug: Description:  at the Frontpanel pcb side you find some "VIAs", at the VCO 3 section the jack S/H , VCO2 section the jack ADSR, VCA section the jack Ringmod, has a via with 15V, the metalcase of the jack is connected to ground and you run in a short between ground from the jack and 15V from the via, there are 2-4 other jacks with vias too.
    check each pcb installation site for VIAs before mounting the jacks.
    Solution:  file down the jack at the position of the via (1mm is fine) or cut it down

  2. Improvement: Powersupply Board - turn the 2pol MTA156 header if needed - otherwise the power input cable is above the powersupply.   (tick) confirmed, its not in every use case needed

  3. Minor Bug:Main board – Missing trace from V- to header. (copyright of picture for ) (tick) confirmed

  4. Minor Bug: 4072 VCF missing trace pin 4 on LM1458 to -14V (use shrink tube for isolation) (tick) confirmed

  5. Minor Bug: 4012 VCF Board — BC558 must be installed backwards, schematics show Ermitter to 23k2 resistor in rev.7.2 (v2) (tick) confirmed

  6. Minor Bug: for all 2N3958 and 2N3954 change 2 pins like this,  cross the both pins - use shrink tubing for one pin for isolation. (tick) confirmed

  7. Improvement for build: or the Filtercards use flat electrolyte capacitors, check the height of all parts - if needed use other headers, check this for both Filtercards before you solder the headers, if needed place the 47pf(50pf) MLCC capacitor (on the mainboard) on solderside of the pcb)
    on my first build i used a 10mm spacer but i prefer the usage of 12mm spacers,  (by usage of 2 spacers - its needed to cut on the VCF out jack at the bottom some metal and you need a flat screw,  in result one spacer is enough  (wink) )

  8. Minor Bug: by usage of the banzai reverb tank, run in the reverb tank a wire from ground to ground on the RCA connectors to ground output and input

  9. Minor Bug: turn 180degrees on the mainboard the 5pol MTA156 power header, otherwise the power cable is to the wrong side and maybe you run in trouble with your case/cabinet size.

    the picture shows the correct mounting:

  10. Minor Bug/improvement: use a BC337-16 instead 2N5172 in the noise section more Details here (you don't need further mods)

11. Medium bug - the Clock LED driver (BC337) becomes hot - affect the functionality in some cases.

change the LED driver resistor LED-R17 from 220R to 1K ( its located at the Solderside bottom right, near the Clock fader)


use 3x 20k or 25k multiturn trimmer for V/OCT trimmer in the VCOs, this type works as a drop in replacement and gives you more room for a better calibration.

(there´s no need to mount it from the component pcb side as standard multiturn trimmer due to issues with the sizing behind the panel and pcb)

